Sunday, February 11, 2024

blog post 5

 I learned about the radio from a fellow classmate. 

    Concept of the radio was Heinrich Hertz from detecting and producing sound waves. The concept was later turned into reality with the first speaking broadcast on December 24th 1906 when Fessenden is the first to cast his voice and accompany violin music across the sea for sailors to hear as he played charismas music. It is in the following year the audio and vacuum tube are developed with the intent to amplify the sounds from radio. 

    Because of the radio the presidential election results could be heard in real time along with the presidents such as FDR did from 1933 to 1944 with his "Fireside Chats" which gathered families to the radio. Historic events such as pearl harbor to classic programs such as Annie all where told through the radio. 

    I find myself appreciating technology and the work put behind such endeavors greatly. What used to be a letter that took who knows how long to send to my parents now can be done in a simple text. I can call and hear their voice or see them in real time with features such as Zoom or FaceTime. The radio was a precursor to such marvels we use daily. Things of the past can teach many things to the present era and radio has taught me the value of modern devices.

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