Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Blog Post- Ends of my social life on media

    My usage of conventional social media is lacking. At my K-12 school I first heard the term social media in middle school which to the standards of users today is quite old. I had a Facebook account that I promptly forgot after I was told to private my social and found no interest having always been by middle school an introvert. We had specific classes once a semester to talk about the harms of social media and always enjoyed the looks of disbelief of not having social media- since I forgot I had Facebook. Currently I have not checked my Facebook in nine years and have forgotten the password. This is to be summarized as for most of my life until adolescence. I never used social media because I felt more incentivized to see the disbelief in others than to try any of the at the time hip social applications. It was only when I came to university that I got any social media that I had my parents create for me since I did not understand the format of the app. The reason I got a social media account was not because I was interested, instead a social media was required to rush for a sorority. I do not specify what social media as social platforms come and go such as Vine or the rebranding of Twitter to X. Now the reader might be wondering how I was able to communicate and to answer I used the message app that comes installed on smart cellular devices.

My usage of social media needs to change in some regards as I apply myself to the world. My usage of social media will not be fixed, in the immediate future. As a college student my priority is to study and learn as much as I can. The world of media often changes, I therefore will not interact with social media until either senior year where I can post successful works for my portfolio or the summer prior. To be clear I do not classify LinkedIn a Social media nor do I for You tube as the former is used for the purpose of finding work and the latter has original series and artists on their platform. To be honest I find the site Blogger more along the line of social media than either of the aforementioned statements. 

you tube
I found that keeping a blog was stressful as I was worried by the frequency of my posts alone. I felt scared of if my formatting and grammar was on point and that my constant enemy of less than five hundred words would cause anyone to write off my hard work. When I wrote over five hundred words into the sometimes minimum one thousand words I felt bad as it felt as though everything was fluff as I often had to add fluffy non-informative text when writing posts. I despise fluff as someone with a short attention span that makes reading large chunks of texts with no breaks a nightmare. A few reasons for having a nightmare turned into reality when I read large segments of text comes from having little attention but also having to find where the next sentence is without repeating a sentence a few times or going diagonally. Yes, diagonal, I have read diagonally and thought the text made sense.

Headaches are a constant occurrence when reading articles to write about for a blog post as well as rereading the post. Thankfully there are accommodations for this such as not having in class writing be checked for grammar. My suggestion to any new student making a blog would be to remember to highlight and put your writing through spellcheck if you have difficulty reading for long periods. I also suggest lowering brightness for eye sensitivity for anyone writing as lowering the brightness of my screen has helped prolong my ability to get through writing.


    My final thoughts on blogger is that an intro course into how to use formatting would be greatly appreciated. I was never taught formatting however formatting, while at first seems only for decorative use, can make write ups easier to read and process. I find that this last blog post prompt has been more fun than any of the other posts. Maybe it is because I can use personal pronouns or that I can write freely without the thought of botching a cited article's findings for readers. I find having an impact on some stranger that could be potentially wrong is terrifying and is the reason I refrain from social media. Because I do not use social media for the purpose most use the platform I forget about social media in general over time until it comes up in conversations.

To end off I think that my aim with social media is to have little impact when informing others so that if someone is ever blamed or is being argued with some slight coming from misinformed information then that someone would not be me.

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