Thursday, January 25, 2024

Blog post 1: Five News Sources

Top five News Sources of someone without using social media

The main source of media I use to get my news is You tube. I do not like having long articles but I also do not like just hearing the news. With You tube I can put on captions and the videos from official news sources are in segments so if the news is terrible I can have a break. 

you tube

The second main source of media I use is apple news. I wake up get started with my morning and I swipe left to see what is happening. I might not read that selected article provided by apple news but I use apple news as a spring board as to what issues I look up on the day.

apple news 

My third main source of media is CBS. after the daily news I watch CBS where I can get a view point by an American because I like watching foreign channels and reading foreign articles. 

CBS News

My fourth source of media is SNL because their comedy and satire leads me to an impartial view of the news that criticizes both. The news can often be depressing and I find that seeing a negative view of the world can lead to detrimental performance and seeing the shows performances helps mitigate the feeling that there could be something I could do to fix when generally the problem is not one needing fixing or out of my area of expertise. Saturday night live helps me unwind and not overwhelm myself with all the problems of the world. 

SNL or Saturday Night Live 

My fifth source of media is WRAL the local weather and news program of my home city. The news feels more genuine and unbiased. I watch the weather and local problems as well.


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