Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Blog post 2: Thoughts on supreme court history


  • What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?
I learned about the Dred Scott wound and how it is a wound that was self inflicted  as well as learning about multiple constitutions. Somehow I never realized that there would be multiple drafts. Apparently the supreme court has the post civil war constitution
  • What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?
That anyone can start a petition showing off our freedom however it is not always heard. we the people check the balance, rules can change and we must look ahead not the past 
  • What was the most surprising thing you learned?
I learned I could petition on change.org and that only 100 out of the daily hundreds in one year is taken up by the supreme court. It is further surprising that someone must bring up the argument before the court takes action
  • How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
I veiw the supreme court in a higher position with more light. I also think that presidents spreading their idea though initiating court members feels sad. I feel sad that even the representative of the people can be swayed

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