Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Blog post 3: The freedom I cherish

REFLECT   We have talked a lot about the emergence and evolution of the First Amendment. We talked about what Jefferson, Madison and the other founders thought about the importance of freedom of speech, press, etc. Then we talked about how those ideas finally started to take shape with theories like the Marketplace of Ideas in 1919.

CLICK  On the tab at the top of the class blog labeled SPEECH THEORIES. Here what I've done is summarize the eight theories that scholars use to describe WHY freedom of expression is so important to us as Americans.

REFLECT   On the Eight Values of Free Expression. Think about which one resonates most with you. Which ones feel most important? Which ones feel most personal to you? Which one do you see in action today? (You can choose more than one.)  

CONNECT   This is also a chance to practice second-level thinking. Talk to each other about issues we've talked about so far. Talk about news that is happening right now. Think about technologies that you rely on, like social media. Now, think about connecting up one or more of those ideas to one of the theories. In other words, connect up a specific thing, like social media, to one of the theories. Think about how a theory can help explain something going on in the real world.

BLOG POST #3 — Write a post based on the directions above. This is a KEY POST of at least 500 words. Be sure to think about hallmarks of a good blog post — links to sources, visuals, point of view. Be expressive and share your thoughts! Make this one special!

I think what resonates with me the most is marketplace of ideas:

Gordon, J. (1997). John Stuart Mill and the “Marketplace of Ideas.” Social Theory and Practice, 23(2), 235–249.

I don't think we need a liscence to print and copy like John S. Mill also thinks. I find the more creativity out their the better. I am ok with copyrights when it was about the little companies and singular producers however now in this day and age usually it is used by big companies that can handle and or dosent need to use as the copyright violation could just be a fan drawing that mostly is being used to promote the big companies characters

most important individual self-fufilment.
 To me being my own person is something everyone deserves. No one should be forced into making choices of self involuntarily. our choices make who we are and at the same time over generations grow our culture. Culture is an important part of making friends, learning about yourself and often developed technology and discovories.

most personal- promote inovation
As someone who loves the arts, loves learning, loves both new and old and how each invention slots into their own place in history; the promotion of innovation is essential. one person could have a great idea but with two or three people you have a great idea that may change history. Their is only so much we can do on our own and if not thinking for a solution by asking another to think as well then society would be far different than it is today.

seen the most action - protect dissent
No matter how big or small, buff or meek you will have a voice. The internet has been a great help spreading news the government takes down becuse the internet is permenet. You can voice out your complaints become a wistle blower and see so many view points. The freedom to voice opinion 8 is the most I have seen of the eight freedoms.  

thank you


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