Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Blog Post- Ends of my social life on media

    My usage of conventional social media is lacking. At my K-12 school I first heard the term social media in middle school which to the standards of users today is quite old. I had a Facebook account that I promptly forgot after I was told to private my social and found no interest having always been by middle school an introvert. We had specific classes once a semester to talk about the harms of social media and always enjoyed the looks of disbelief of not having social media- since I forgot I had Facebook. Currently I have not checked my Facebook in nine years and have forgotten the password. This is to be summarized as for most of my life until adolescence. I never used social media because I felt more incentivized to see the disbelief in others than to try any of the at the time hip social applications. It was only when I came to university that I got any social media that I had my parents create for me since I did not understand the format of the app. The reason I got a social media account was not because I was interested, instead a social media was required to rush for a sorority. I do not specify what social media as social platforms come and go such as Vine or the rebranding of Twitter to X. Now the reader might be wondering how I was able to communicate and to answer I used the message app that comes installed on smart cellular devices.

My usage of social media needs to change in some regards as I apply myself to the world. My usage of social media will not be fixed, in the immediate future. As a college student my priority is to study and learn as much as I can. The world of media often changes, I therefore will not interact with social media until either senior year where I can post successful works for my portfolio or the summer prior. To be clear I do not classify LinkedIn a Social media nor do I for You tube as the former is used for the purpose of finding work and the latter has original series and artists on their platform. To be honest I find the site Blogger more along the line of social media than either of the aforementioned statements. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Blog post 8: transhumanism and biotechnologies

    "The future is now thanks to science!" Pokémon XY episode one told me that years ago and today I can say the same.
    Ray Kurzweil may have sounded like a prophet a century ago, but he was so far off. He believed there'd be only 20,000 years of progress in the twenty-first century.

    Transhumanism asserts that some biotechnologies threaten "natural" human life.
    biotechnologies intended to enhance human health, reproductive capacity, longevity, cognitive ability, and/or athletic ability via genetic modification, but some biotechnologies are problematic and in need of governmental bans and regulations. 
    Libertarians have observed that governments that claim to pursue the greater good tend to embrace policies that preserve/advance the interests of those who now benefit from existing biotechnologies. 

    This implies the usage of biotechnologies to be locked behind government control and taught to professional doctors with limited information to the general public with the state the news is currently.
    The implications could also resurface the idea of human test subjects beyond the ethical spectrum. There are always risks with new technology. Death is inevitable and even the pillow I sleep on can be used to kill me via suffocation. 

    I find the possibilities of saving life worthwhile in terms of mishaps. To me it is not the idea of transhumanism but what can be possible by a single individual. How much damage one person could spread with transhumanism is my worry. What comes from transhumanism and our creativity, comes a world of possibilities. 
    Longer life can lead to a search for immortality. Improving the human mind could help with mental illnesses and disabilities. Money will be wasted and gained a new opportunity, another race this time not to space but towards transhumanism will come about weather for fortune, love, power, and knowledge.

blog 9

 I learned that in Asia Go is a very popular game. The positive is that small manual tasks can be done with ai so humans can work to create and or learn more. consequences will widen the economic gap. women work the most jobs ai would take over. Most Americans don't have a cushion for economic loss. Studies show you won't get higher than your parents in America told by this documentary. Automation can be good but you must be considerate by how you distribute that wealth. Ai exasperates the social gap. Ai can tell what ads for you to see. the world will adapt for you but the world will not have the same goal. social media is using us. capitalism is taking everything that can be sold- from land to private human experience with the new ai to make fabrications of predictions to human behavior.  behavioral prediction is taking out the uncertainty in life. because technologies made things better then it will always be good and facebook and google have cashed in. cues in online environment changes real world environment without our awareness. Having public confidence in safe regulations makes the product better.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

blog post 5

 I learned about the radio from a fellow classmate. 

    Concept of the radio was Heinrich Hertz from detecting and producing sound waves. The concept was later turned into reality with the first speaking broadcast on December 24th 1906 when Fessenden is the first to cast his voice and accompany violin music across the sea for sailors to hear as he played charismas music. It is in the following year the audio and vacuum tube are developed with the intent to amplify the sounds from radio. 

    Because of the radio the presidential election results could be heard in real time along with the presidents such as FDR did from 1933 to 1944 with his "Fireside Chats" which gathered families to the radio. Historic events such as pearl harbor to classic programs such as Annie all where told through the radio. 

    I find myself appreciating technology and the work put behind such endeavors greatly. What used to be a letter that took who knows how long to send to my parents now can be done in a simple text. I can call and hear their voice or see them in real time with features such as Zoom or FaceTime. The radio was a precursor to such marvels we use daily. Things of the past can teach many things to the present era and radio has taught me the value of modern devices.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Blog post 4: Television

 Television from someone who  watches tv rarely

-needs to be edited-

BLOG #4  Do a KEY POST based on your research for this EOTO project. This will be graded as a separate assignment. Make this post 500 words minimum. Be sure to think about hallmarks of a good blog post — at least one visual element and at least one link. But since this is a special assignment, I think you should do more. Make it special! 

  • History: Who invented your technology? What were the circumstances? What problem were they trying to solve with their invention? 

  • Impact: How did the invention change our world? What problems did it solve? How did it change communication? Did it have any negative effects?

Who Invented Television: History of TV - TCL

1948- credit in shift popularity of radio- radio diminishes- television comes

Programming- abandon radio go to television - orphan Annie for example radio goes to tv

Revenue- advertising on radio drops going to tv

Paul Nipkow and Boris Rosing

Nipkow ring(AKA Nipkow disk)- makes pictures into strips and then send 

Philo Farnsworth - Image dissector - inventor of television - creates the thing needed to put the duos idea into reality- the camera function

September 23,1927 credit 1st television broadcast

"Electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, who had been working on it since 1920. Electronic television is a type of television that uses electronic signals to produce images on a video screen. This type of television is a visual medium that transmits images and sounds by means of radio waves, microwaves, or infrared rays.

in a German patent for a color television system from 1904, color television was first mentioned. Vladimir K. Zworykin, a Russian inventor, also submitted a patent disclosure for an all-electronic color television system in 1925. Although neither of these designs was a success, they were the first color television plans that were formally documented.

1953, a successful color television system based on a system created by RCA started airing in commercials." Who Invented Television: History of TV - TCL

Vladimir Zworkin- works at RCA created the Iconoscope- the receiver

1936- Philo sells all his patents to RCA

Milton Berle- star of Texaco Star Theater-started 1948- variety Show 1st tv star


1948 license freeze

Space for tv on electromatic wave was getting filled up tv signal is pretty big

So they stop can’t process anymore new stations until 1952

Sixth report and order -1952

Get more licenses- create 2 types of broadcasting technology 

VHF channels - very high frequencies- 

Signal must be language and frequency specific only 11 or 2


UHF channels- takes lot less space on spectrum 

License after 1952 would be at disadvantage 

Problem if you had bought tv before the 1952 and before 1960s didn’t have to include UHF

"I love Lucy" pioneered the Three-camera set-up. It was produced in Hollywood-before everything in New York they have the movies but now tv as well. "I Love Lucy" also pioneered Quadraplex tape made by (Ampex) to record the episodes but the quality is movie like however cheaper and easier Live to tape. using the tape Syndication- reruns reselling the show’s distribution rights

November 22 1963 JFK assassination and 1st national news story -happening live

Event Turned the tide of people watching tv

WBAI- radio

George Carlin -“Seven words you cannot say in television” audio

Pacifica v FCC- can gov restrict content on air?

Indecent / Obscene 

Obscene material can’t be aired like blatant sex on tv 

Indecency is talking about it in vulgar terms can be aired only at-

“Safe Harbor” 10:00 pm- 6:00 am 

Network age

1960’s- 1980’s

“Corny”- “socially minded”

Middle America- urban/ urbane 

Middle-class audience/ younger 

Big three: control / hegemony

Cable age

1980’s -2000’s

CATV- Cable TV

1966- must carry rule

Must get everything in 60 mil

Cable shows

HBO - home box office

WTBS - operated by Ted Turner



1993- transmission consent 

Station pays; cable system can reject 

Frequency modulation or FM

Cable age -1980’2-1999

Channel options

More choices?

Telecommunications act of 1996 all bellow 

FCC oversight- oversee cable and internet

Cross-Media Ownership

Can now do both cable and radio waves

Communications Decency Act of 1996

FCC creates rating system Fcc can always come in and say M so networks make their own board

1996- V-chip

V for Violence can be disabled on tv

1996 -License renewals

Instead of justify why to keep, Fcc has to justify why you should lose it so you have license forever.

1996- station ownership

Total radio station depends on market, can buy unlimited tv stations but cannot cover more than 39%of the nation

First golden age

Network age 

Cable age

  -more channels and option

-People will pay for tv

-VCR and DVD– appointment television

Second Golden age (AKA ”Prestige Television”)

(Time  of Edgy shows)

The Sopranos-tv show

Mad Men- tv show

Focus on writing

Morally questionable scripts


Auteur-driven– writers voice instinctively their show

Marginalized voices



Blog post 3: The freedom I cherish

REFLECT   We have talked a lot about the emergence and evolution of the First Amendment. We talked about what Jefferson, Madison and the other founders thought about the importance of freedom of speech, press, etc. Then we talked about how those ideas finally started to take shape with theories like the Marketplace of Ideas in 1919.

CLICK  On the tab at the top of the class blog labeled SPEECH THEORIES. Here what I've done is summarize the eight theories that scholars use to describe WHY freedom of expression is so important to us as Americans.

REFLECT   On the Eight Values of Free Expression. Think about which one resonates most with you. Which ones feel most important? Which ones feel most personal to you? Which one do you see in action today? (You can choose more than one.)  

CONNECT   This is also a chance to practice second-level thinking. Talk to each other about issues we've talked about so far. Talk about news that is happening right now. Think about technologies that you rely on, like social media. Now, think about connecting up one or more of those ideas to one of the theories. In other words, connect up a specific thing, like social media, to one of the theories. Think about how a theory can help explain something going on in the real world.

BLOG POST #3 — Write a post based on the directions above. This is a KEY POST of at least 500 words. Be sure to think about hallmarks of a good blog post — links to sources, visuals, point of view. Be expressive and share your thoughts! Make this one special!

I think what resonates with me the most is marketplace of ideas:

Gordon, J. (1997). John Stuart Mill and the “Marketplace of Ideas.” Social Theory and Practice, 23(2), 235–249.

I don't think we need a liscence to print and copy like John S. Mill also thinks. I find the more creativity out their the better. I am ok with copyrights when it was about the little companies and singular producers however now in this day and age usually it is used by big companies that can handle and or dosent need to use as the copyright violation could just be a fan drawing that mostly is being used to promote the big companies characters

most important individual self-fufilment.
 To me being my own person is something everyone deserves. No one should be forced into making choices of self involuntarily. our choices make who we are and at the same time over generations grow our culture. Culture is an important part of making friends, learning about yourself and often developed technology and discovories.

most personal- promote inovation
As someone who loves the arts, loves learning, loves both new and old and how each invention slots into their own place in history; the promotion of innovation is essential. one person could have a great idea but with two or three people you have a great idea that may change history. Their is only so much we can do on our own and if not thinking for a solution by asking another to think as well then society would be far different than it is today.

seen the most action - protect dissent
No matter how big or small, buff or meek you will have a voice. The internet has been a great help spreading news the government takes down becuse the internet is permenet. You can voice out your complaints become a wistle blower and see so many view points. The freedom to voice opinion 8 is the most I have seen of the eight freedoms.  

thank you